Kentucky State Fair Breaks Records in International Fair Competition
The Kentucky State Fair soared to new heights at the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE), earning an unprecedented 11 awards—its highest on record. This milestone achievement, reached in the Fair’s 120th year, underscores how its engaging programming, 120-county participation, and continued creative approach captivate audiences both locally and around the globe.
The competition was tough, with major fairs such as California State Fair, Indiana State Fair, Maryland State Fair, National Western Stock Show, Oklahoma State Fair, San Diego County Fair, Sydney Royal Easter Show, and Tennessee State Fair. Including the Kentucky State Fair, all fairs that competed for these awards attracted an attendance ranging from 500,000 to 1 million guests in 2024.
Awards of Recognition
- Radio: Recognized for outstanding on-air promotion and coverage.
- Promotional/Advertising Poster: Celebrated for creative and eye-catching design.
- Souvenirs and Commemorative Items: Applauded for memorable take-home keepsakes.
- Social Media: Honored for engaging, share-worthy content across platforms.
- Best Marketing Campaign: Highlighted for strategic outreach that effectively promoted the Fair.
- New Division to Your Fair – Windchime Division: Lauded for introducing a new competition.
- Printed Promotional Material: Cited for high-quality, user-friendly materials that successfully market year-round facility events.
Agricultural Awards
- Largest Pumpkin & Watermelon Contest: Praised as an international event celebrating the largest gourd growers.
- HPAI Protocol: Recognized for innovative biosecurity measures taken in light of emerging HPAI disease.
- Newly Established/Evolving Program – AgLand: Commended for an immersive, hands-on agricultural education experience.
- Agriculture Individual Photo, Livestock (Not Equine) – Poultry Show Photo: Acknowledged for capturing the spirit of animal exhibits through photography.
About the Event
The Kentucky State Fair and World's Championship Horse Show will take place August 14-24, 2025. Information regarding the upcoming events will be available in the spring. For more information about the Fair, visit https://kystatefair.org/. Information about the World's Championship Horse Show can be found at https://wchorseshow.com/.